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The Complete Guide to Winterizing Your Houseplants

We all know that winter is when the cold weather starts to set in and plants tend to suffer. So, what should we do to ensure our indoor plants survive the winter?

The best way to winterize your plants is by following these steps.

The Complete Guide to Winterizing Your Houseplants

Best Practices for Winterizing Your Houseplants

Many people are unaware that plants also need to be taken care of in the winter. This is because they need light, warmth, and humidity to grow. If you have a plant that you want to winterize, here are some dos and don'ts for you.


Low humidity levels are generally the major problem your plants face in winter. Due to low humidity, plants transpire too much to handle so maintaining a humid environment is crucial. Use a humidifier if there is a heating system in your house as this will help maintain humidity levels. Plants with thick leaves tend to resist low humidity better. Group your plants together to help them benefit from the humidity due to transpiration.

Do not place your plants near a drafty window or door as this will cause them to dry out faster than normal.

Plants during winter


Don't overwater your plants in the winter as it will lead to root rot, during winter, plants tend to need less water than in summer however they still need water. You can check the soil with your finger before watering. Use terracotta pots to let the soil and the root system breathe.


Prevent direct sunlight yet utilize every possible natural light source since short winter days mean less light for plants. Use artificial grow lights to support short daylight levels during winters if necessary.


If your plants are in a cold environment (balcony, greenhouse, etc.) cover them with an old white sheet so they can still get some light during the day but stay warm at night.


Since your plant has a low metabolism activity do not over-fertilize your plants during winter. However, some Phosphorus will help to strengthen plant roots and increase the resistance level to pathogens.

Which Houseplants Can Survive a Cold, Dark Winter?

The following plants are hardy and can survive the winter easier. These are generally plants with thick leaves that tend to resist low humidity better.

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is a succulent plant that is easy to maintain. It can survive in low light conditions.

Cacti: Cacti are also succulent plants with low maintenance requirements. They can be used as indoor decoration or as a focal point in a room.

Ferns: Despite requiring high humidity levels ferns are easy to grow and maintain, just be sure to provide them with an ample water supply.

Spider Plant: Spider Plant is a popular houseplant because it can thrive on neglect, meaning that it does not require much care from its owner.

Succulents: Due to their fleshy leaves they store huge chunks of water in themselves.

Yucca: Although it is a plant native to hot and humid climates, yucca is a very resistant plant that supports a wide range of temperatures.

Jade Plant: Jade needs hot and dry weather to thrive. If you keep your house temperature at a minimum of 18°C, low humidity levels will not be a problem.

Snake Plant: Snake Plants are tough succulents that can withstand low light, low humidity, and long stretches without water. Although being an equatorial plant it can resist colds as low as 13°C. Watch out for over-watering in winter to prevent root rot.

Devil’s Ivy: Devil’s Ivy is a very low-light tolerant, and one of the most preferred low-maintenance houseplants. You must water Devil’s Ivy once or twice a month in winter, only when the soil is dry.

String of Pearls: You must keep your String of Pearls at 15° C during winter. Drafts and air conditioners will affect the plant's leaves and make them drop. This is because they aren't frost-tolerant so they may need to be stored indoors during winter.

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