Millawanda Urban Farming

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Grow These Plants Together For A Healthy Garden

En son güncellendiği tarih: Haz 28

Companion planting is a gardening technique where plants are grown close to one another for mutual benefit.

This type of gardening technique has been around since ancient times and it's been used in many cultures. Companion plants help each other by improving soil conditions, attracting beneficial insects, repelling pests, and providing shade.

Some of the most common companion plants are beans and corn, tomatoes and basil, potatoes and garlic, peppers with onions, and peas with lettuce.

Cabbage And Marigolds

Cucumbers And Radishes

Cucumbers And Sunflowers

Onions And Carrots


Lettuce And Carrots

How to Plant Your Garden for Maximum Yield & Health: 6 Key Companion Planting Ideas

This article will provide you with 6 key companion planting ideas. These companion planting ideas will help you to plant your garden for maximum yield and health.

It is important to know what plants grow well together, and which plants are best for attracting beneficial insects and other pollinators. In addition, it is important to know what plants can be used for natural pest control.

Cabbage And Marigolds

Cabbageworms, cabbage moths, and many other pests will want to eat the cabbage plant. Fear not, however — marigolds help deter those crawling pests.

Cucumbers And Radishes

Plant radishes next to your cucumbers to prevent cucumber beetles.

Cucumbers And Sunflowers

Keep your cucumber plants cool by planting sunflowers nearby for shade and letting them vine up the stalk.

Onions And Carrots

Protect your carrots from carrot flies by placing onions in the same grow bag. Chives and leeks from the allium family help for the same purpose.


Herbs are generally the best for pest repelling and attracting bees. Basil repels flies. Peppermint repels mice, mosquitoes, and ants. Rosemary helps prevent bean beetles, cabbage moths, and carrot flies. Lavender repels fleas, moths, flies, and mosquitoes.

Lettuce And Carrots

Companion planting also helps with the quality vegetable harvest. Plant lettuce between rows of carrots and onions, as it will help to suppress weeds by creating shade. When the carrots and onions start to need more space, pull out the lettuce.
