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DIY Calendula Oil: Learn How to Make This Natural Healing Oil At Home

Calendula is a great addition to any garden, providing beautiful colors and attracting the eye of pollinators. Additionally, you can use it medicinally, incorporate it in your meals, or even brew tea with the dried flowers! Of all the things you can make from calendula though, we mostly opt for oil - for its healing benefits.

Making your herbal oil is a great way to harness the healing properties of herbs. Calendula oil is one of the most popular and easy-to-make herbal oils. This step-by-step guide will show you how to make calendula oil at home using simple ingredients and tools. By following this guide, you can make your calendula oil which can be used for a variety of purposes such as skin care, muscle pain relief, and even wound healing. With just a few simple steps, you can create your very own homemade calendula oil that’s sure to bring you many benefits!

DIY Calendula Oil: Learn How to Make This Natural Healing Oil At Home

Skin Benefits of Calendula Oil

Calendula oil is made from the petals of the calendula flower, which are known for their anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that make it an ideal choice for treating various skin conditions such as rashes, sunburn, swelling, eczema, acne, stings, wounds, burns, scrapes, chicken pox, cold sores. Calendula oil can be used in DIY skin care remedies, providing your skin with nourishment, protection, and healing.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make Your Own Calendula Oil

Making your calendula oil is a great way to get the most out of this versatile and powerful herb. Calendula oil has many benefits, from its anti-inflammatory properties to its ability to soothe skin irritations. With the right ingredients and a bit of patience, you'll be able to create your own homemade calendula oil in no time.

Calendula oil is produced by infusing dried calendula flowers with carrier oil, such as olive or jojoba oil. This process takes place over a few weeks or more and can include full flower heads or just the petals. It's essential to ensure the flowers are completely dry before beginning the infusion process. We urge people to use dry or semi-dry flowers to make calendula oil as fresh flowers generally contain moisture which could result in bacterial growth and spoil the oil. Even though you can technically make calendula oil with fresh flowers, it's not recommended due to the risks associated with it.

If you are specifically looking to use calendula oil on your skin, it is important to choose the right kind of oil for your skin type that will be most beneficial. This is especially true for use on the face, where it should be chosen wisely.

Calendula oil can serve many purposes, including internal consumption. When combined with edible oils like olive or avocado, it is safe to use and can be eaten in a salad dressing! Not only is it tasty, but it also has healing properties.

Carrier Oil Options for Making Calendula Oil

Oils are judged on a comedogenic scale ranging from 1 to 5. Anything below 3 is considered "non-comedogenic" and can safely be used without clogging your pores. On the flip side, oils with a score of 3 or higher can potentially cause pore congestion issues. Oils graded 5 are especially likely to cause clogged pores.

Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed Oil

This is an excellent choice for those with acne-prone skin. It is antimicrobial and non-greasy, so it won't clog pores, and can even help to reduce existing breakouts. On top of that, its light texture ensures it won't leave your face looking greasy or feeling heavy. While it may not be as hydrating as some other oil, its absorption properties make it great for oily skin types. It is edible cold or at room temperature, but not recommended for high-heat cooking.

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba is rated a low 2 on the comedogenic scale, meaning it won't clog your pores. It's also incredibly lightweight, non-greasy, and easily absorbed due to its close chemical resemblance to sebum (your skin's natural oil).

Sweet Almond Oil

It is a powerful moisturizer and beneficial for those with dry and sensitive skin, such as babies. It is slightly stronger than jojoba & grapeseed oil (2 on the comedogenic scale), helping to reduce inflammation, sebum, and other skin issues such as eczema, acne, and scars.

Sweet Almond Oil

Avocado Oil

Avocado Oil

This has the perfect consistency to provide intense hydration and nourishment to your skin. It can even help reduce any signs of inflammation or discoloration that may be present while keeping it soft and supple. Plus, it only ranks 3 on the comedogenic scale, making it safe for use in various edibles.

Argan Oil

It is known for its gentleness & high moisturizing abilities. It's a popular choice in many hair & skin care products and has been proven to protect from sun damage, reduce wrinkles, soften skin, and treat stretch marks.

Argan Oil

Ingredients & Recipe for Calendula Oil

Dried calendula flowers: Either use your own homegrown flowers or purchase some.

Get a glass container and fill it up at least 3/4 full with calendula flower heads or not more than half full with loose petals.

When making calendula oil, pour a sufficient amount of oil to fill the container and submerge the flowers. Remember, the volume taken up by the dried petals is far less than you imagine! Therefore, you should use an amount of oil that matches your chosen container's size.

Make sure the container has a secure lid and place it in a bright, well-lit area - a windowsill is incredibly effective. Let the oil & flower infusion take place for at least three weeks, or even better, up to two months; this will help you get the best results.

Calendula Oil

When the allotted time has elapsed, you'll want to strain out the flowers from the oil. To properly do this, a coffee filter can be used.

Once the calendula oil has been filtered, you have the option of selecting a glass container such as a jar or even transferring it into a bottle with either a pump or squeeze-top lid. It is important to store the oil in an area that is cool and dry for the best results.

It is important to check the shelf life of your carrier oil before using it for your calendula recipes. Most oils can last 1-2 years, however, some may have a shorter shelf life than others. Adding calendula won't impact the storage life of the carrier oil. You can store your calendula oil in the refrigerator to extend its shelf life.

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